Thursday, 23 February 2012

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The messy art of vox-popping

I'm currently sat looking out at Picadilly Gardens, one of Manchester's busiest areas, yet it's useless for me at the moment.

The time is 11:20, footfall comprises of suit-clad businessmen, stubborn teens late for work, kids in hoodys and old people. None of which are any good for what I'm voxing today- which isn't actually much of a vox at all...

Normally when you voxpop you are asking for the 'voice of the population', hence the name, usually seeking an opinion or view.
You have a choice of where to go.... In Manchester you could come here to Picadilly Gardens- but where the footfall is high, there's a lot of background noise tainting the recording. You can go to Exchange sq by the Arndale but really people just want to shop, not stop and chat. You can try St. Annes's sq but footfall is generally low... The other place I like and the one location that seems to be most fruitful is Albert sq- footfall isn't amazing but people will stop and chat, it's a more relaxed part of town!

However, wherever you go, It's a pain in the ass, most people are hostile and defensive and evade you at all costs, just brushing you aside with a patronising glare of hatred. Either that or they do what one lady did today which was bury her head in her neck and hastily hurry past uttering absolutely nothing. B@*#%.

On the whole, it's demoralising, however the end result is usually worth the pain. Voxes do sound great, and today's, providing I pull them off, will sound amazing!

I'm trying to get the good people of Manchester to sing a few lines of a couple of the Brits Best Single nominations so later on air we can pick out the best Mancunian cover...

If you thought getting an opinion was hard, trying to get people to sing is harder!!

It's now 11:33, short break over, wonder if society has become a bit more responsive over the last 10mins!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

The backpackers are on the bandwagon...

...and topically I've just purchased a new backpack from the North Face. An absolute treat of a purchase. You see I've been tolerating my laptop-bag/satchel for too long now and if I persist with wearing it I'm sure the weight is going to drag my body irreparably to the left.

Alas, now the weight is evenly distributed on my back, and the new purchase feeds in nicely to correlate with a lyric of what I am currently listening to:

That has got some quite powerful and crude lyrics in there but let the lyrical water flow off your duck like back and you'll be okay.

One of the lyrics in there is: I just been playing, I ain't even notice I was winning

There's a lot of honesty in Drake's music, and where some people may look upon that line and taste arrogance, I feel it's 100% modest. Sometimes it's important to step back from whatever situation you're in and look at the goodness. For me, it's quite apt at the moment... I have to admit this is a blog full of gratitude. Things are going really well for me at the moment and it took some reflection in the car last night to comprehend just how each component of my life is swimming along very nicely!

The big thing that has taken off recently has been my internship at Key 103. This was something that really has come out of nowhere and has gone on to dominate my days recently, hence not many blogs. I am working on OJ Borg's new drive time show, doing lots of production bits. It's so much fun, we're having a blast each day, the on-air bits are sounding good and the show is improving every day!

Delighted it's all come to fruition and I'm hoping my Bauer days are full of promise like a fat grape.

Sorry for the short scribble of a blog, will be back on more regularly soon!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

For all those film snobs

This was brought to my attention by my mate Connor, a photographer himself. This amazing video captures all the prattishness of those snobby filmmakers! It's a hilarious watch, I can even laugh at some bits knowing I've probably said a similar thing!