Have you ever read one of those astrology books? I used to think they're a load of rubbish but actually it's quite interesting and scarily accurate. I worked out which of my relationships are doomed. Will it change the way I go about them? nah probably not but it's quite funny stuff. I'm a Sagittarius. If you're interested go find a book and look up our compatibility.
Spent hours on end watching Moyles this week,
Then yesterday I nailed about 4hrs straight coursework with the help of the canteen and a massive pot of tea, cookies, brioche and a table flower :) cute, romantic and productive.
Not one bloody Dan around me- how dissapointing! If you're not a Partridge fan, you better google 'Alan Partridge Dan' to get an idea of what the hell I was doing then!
I am a bit of an audio-geek at times, and I surpassed all my geekness by texting this to my mate: "I've never heard a venue mix a kit as good as this. Snare is amazing!"
The bass on their opening song was wayyy too much for my phone:
Oh, happy paddys day for yesterday. If one thing was amazing.. it was the cheese & tomato toastie from Warwick services on the way home.
and Clare Maguire - she was last nights support and now I'm going to book tickets to her Oxford gig :) v good.
New music: I've recently booked tickets to see a man called James Vincent McMorrow. Now that is one hell of a name. Probably better than Benjamin Leftwich actually. Although Ben is slightly more chilled out. Some new additions to the 2011 spotify playlist then.