Tuesday 23 August 2011

Fairport and the last few weeks

I make you a vow - that long periods of silence on this blog will now be banished. I am about to embark on a very exciting chapter of my life - a move to Manchester to study at Salford University is my precedent at the moment.
We'll talk about that closer to the time - but for now I'm leaving no stone unturned when it comes to prepping for the move. Today I went to IKEA and ASDA for some uni shopping, finished my new showreel and worked on my new website some more. louischadwick.co.uk is now down, off the net, for a total rebrand, and it will be back online next week maybe.

Aside from being very busy at work preparing a new Fairport 2011 radio documentary, I've been busier than ever in the evenings. I can't believe we ever had time for school! - I'm working flat out these days and I'm out every night. How the heck did 5th period media studies get a look in?!

2 weeks ago was that amazing Fairport festival - arguably the best weekend of my life. Great people, shockingly fresh and impressive music, a backstage pass and a lot of rum. The combination would always bequeath outstanding results.

Rounding off a sensational festival

Beautiful Cropredy

The family! 

Me and Sophie :)

The sad, hollow truth is that Fairport won't be with us again until next year! However we can take away the fantastic memories of 2011 and the documentary will air on Bank Holiday Monday: bringing back the broadcast-able memories (although that isn't it's official strap line...)

In the next few days I'll craft a V Festival blog and might post some photos of Results Night's misgivings.